Zum Studiengang
Das Leadership and Change Management-Programm der Swiss International University richtet sich an Studierende, die eine Karriere im Management anstreben. Dieser umfassende Kurs vermittelt den Studierenden wichtige Fähigkeiten und eine anerkannte Qualifikation, die erforderlich sind, um effektiv zu führen und fundierte Entscheidungen zu treffen, insbesondere in anspruchsvollen Szenarien wie dem Change Management. Im Rahmen dieses Programms lernen die Studierenden, komplexe Situationen zu meistern und Strategien umzusetzen, die eine organisatorische Transformation mit Zuversicht und Präzision ermöglichen.
Mögliche Studiengänge:
Warum Führung und Change Management?
Internationale Unternehmen sind ständig auf der Suche nach Managern, die mehr als nur technisches Fachwissen mitbringen; sie benötigen visionäre Führungskräfte, die in der Lage sind, ihre Organisationen in Richtung Wachstum und Profitabilität zu lenken. Erfolgreiche Führungskräfte verstehen die Bedeutung des Change Managements, ein kritischer Aspekt, der von vielen Unternehmen oft übersehen wird. Dieses Programm ist eine unschätzbare Gelegenheit für aufstrebende Manager, die zukünftige Führungskräfte werden möchten, die über die Fähigkeiten verfügen, den Wandel zu meistern und den Erfolg ihrer Organisationen voranzutreiben.
Akademisches Ziel
Upon completion of this course at our School of Leadership Switzerland, students will attain a diploma that distinguishes them in the global job market. Graduates emerge equipped with profound expertise in international leadership management and change management. They seamlessly blend theoretical understanding with practical experience, empowering them to excel in various career paths within the industry. This comprehensive skill set ensures their employment at esteemed companies worldwide, positioning them above the competition.
Während des gesamten Kurses werden die Studierenden in zwei Phasen beurteilt. Dies geschieht durch eine Reihe von Modulen, die in Form von Vorlesungen vermittelt werden. Diese traditionellen Vorlesungen beinhalten angeleitete Lektüre, um das Verständnis der Studierenden für die Breite der Branche zu verbessern. Zu den Beurteilungskriterien gehören Kursarbeiten, Berichte und Präsentationen, die auf die jeweiligen Studienstufen zugeschnitten sind. Eine umfassende Liste mit Beurteilungsdetails wird von unserer School of Leadership Switzerland bereitgestellt.
European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System: this program is equivalent to 180 ECTS
European Qualifications Framework: this program is equivalent to EQF Level 6
The Bachelor of Leadership and Change Management (BBA) signifies the first level of achievement in any academic discipline.
The Bachelor (BBA) in Leadership and Change Management study program is designed for students who are aspiring to hold careers in the management industry, this course can help students to gain skills as well as a respected qualification to be leaders and to take the right decision in many difficult cases, for example, change management, here you will be able to make the right steps for the right decision.
At the end of the Bachelor course, the graduates are expected to combine theory with practice and display a sound knowledge of their management industry. Students are equipped with useful business tools to enter the labor market and contribute effectively and efficiently to organizations within their chosen fields.
In our bachelor's programs, you will:
Develop and practice innovative research methods.
Earn the highest quality of education.
Achieve the expertise to publish in peer-reviewed journals.
Become a successful researcher and professional.
BBA: 3 Years Program
The bachelor will take your skills in leadership to the next level. In our bachelor's programs, you will:
Lay the foundation for future for studies and professional achievement.
Study and apply innovative research methods.
Combine applied research and professional practice.
Prepare to make an impact on policy and practice.
Learn strategies to facilitate more effective, adaptable organizations and create positive change.
Become a more innovative leader in your field.
Earning a Bachelor's can increase your EARNING POWER.
Admission Requirements: Click here
One Year program required a High school certificate + 3 years of experience
European Qualifications Framework: this program is equivalent to EQF Level 6
The Bachelor of Leadership and Change Management (BBA) signifies the first level of achievement in any academic discipline.
The Bachelor (BBA) in Leadership and Change Management study program is designed for students who aspire to hold careers in the management industry, this course can help students to gain skills as well as a respected qualification to be leaders and to make the right decision in many difficult cases, for example, change management, here you will be able to make the right steps for the right decision.
At the end of the Bachelor course, the graduates are expected to combine theory with practice and display a sound knowledge of their management industry. Students are equipped with useful business tools to enter the labor market and contribute effectively and efficiently to organizations within their chosen fields.
In our bachelor's programs, you will:
Develop and practice innovative research methods.
Earn the highest quality of education.
Achieve the expertise to publish in peer-reviewed journals.
Become a successful researcher and professional.
BBA: 3 Years Program
The bachelor will take your skills in leadership to the next level. In our bachelor's programs, you will:
Lay the foundation for future studies and professional achievement.
Study and apply innovative research methods.
Combine applied research and professional practice.
Prepare to make an impact on policy and practice.
Learn strategies to facilitate more effective, adaptable organizations and create positive change.
Become a more innovative leader in your field.
Earning a Bachelor's can increase your EARNING POWER.
Admission Requirements: Click here
European Qualifications Framework: this program is equivalent to EQF Level 7
Master of Leadership and Change Management (MBA) signifies the next level of achievement in any academic discipline.
The Master (MBA) in Leadership and Change Management study program is ideal for students who are aspiring to hold senior careers in the management industry. These study programs can help students to gain skills as well as a respected qualification to be a leader and make the right decision in many difficult cases. For example, in the change management sphere, you will be able to make the right steps for the right decision.
At the end of the Master's study program, graduates will combine theory with practice and display a sound knowledge of their management industry. Students are equipped with useful business tools and theories to enter the labor market and contribute more effectively to organizations within this field.
Duration: There are 2 options:
90 ECTS: One and a half academic years (One year of study + 6 Months for the thesis)
60 ECTS: One academic year (You can start working on your thesis after 3 months from the beginning)
Admission Requirements: Click here
Europäischer Qualifikationsrahmen: Dieses Programm entspricht dem EQF-Niveau 7
Der Executive Master in Leadership und Change Management (EMBA) stellt die nächste Leistungsstufe in jeder akademischen Disziplin dar.
Dieses Executive Master-Studienprogramm (EMBA) in Leadership und Change Management ist ideal für Studierende, die direkt nach der High School mindestens 5 Jahre in einer leitenden Position im gleichen oder einem ähnlichen Bereich gearbeitet haben. Dieser Kurs hilft den Studierenden, mehr Fähigkeiten sowie eine angesehene Qualifikation zu erwerben, die es ihnen ermöglicht, eine bessere Führungskraft zu sein und in vielen schwierigen Fällen, einschließlich des Change Managements, die richtigen Entscheidungen zu treffen.
Am Ende des Masterstudiengangs kombinieren die Absolventen die Theorie mit ihrer Erfahrung und verfügen über ein besseres Wissen in ihrer Managementbranche. Die Studierenden sind mit den wichtigsten Führungsinstrumenten und -theorien ausgestattet, um wieder in den Arbeitsmarkt einzusteigen und effektiver in Organisationen in ihrem gewählten Bereich mitzuwirken.
Zulassungsvoraussetzungen: Klicken Sie hier
100% thesis-based doctoral program
European Qualifications Framework: this program is equivalent to EQF Level 8
The Doctorate of Philosophy (DPhil) is recognized worldwide as a research program. You will choose a specialist area of research, write a thesis based on your research and then complete a defense. At the defense, you will present, discuss and defend your research thesis to a panel of academic experts in the field.
This program is fully online. You will be allocated a research supervisor who will guide your research and you will communicate regularly with your supervisor by email and video conference. When your supervisor agrees that you are ready to defend your thesis, the defense will be by video conference with a panel of experts, although you may choose to come to Switzerland for the defense if you wish.
What is the word count for my thesis?
A Doctorate of Philosophy thesis is normally between 45.000 – 60.000 words (from chapter 1 to chapter 5).
How long does my thesis take?
You may take up to 6 years to complete your thesis. The average time taken to complete the thesis is 3 years. The minimum time is 2 years.
Are there any subjects to study?
No, this is a 100% thesis-based doctoral program.
Do you mention that studies are online or by distance on the final qualification?
No. The study method for the Doctorate of Philosophy program is not mentioned.
What title may I use if I successfully complete this program?
The Authorities have confirmed that candidates who successfully complete a program at the Swiss International University have the right to use the title they got from the Swiss International University.
What is the language of study and when can I begin?
Study Language: This study program is taught entirely in English / German / Russian / Arabic.
Is the Swiss International University Accredited by any recognized European accreditation body?
Yes, the Swiss International University is Accredited/Certified by many national and international bodies. please check our accreditation page
Which specialization can I do?
The specialization you are interested in having is the specialization you must write the whole thesis about.
Admission Requirements: Click here
Europäischer Qualifikationsrahmen: Dieses Programm entspricht dem EQF-Level 8
Der DBA stellt den höchsten Leistungsgrad in einer akademischen Praxisdisziplin dar.
Dies ist die höchste praktische Ausbildungsstufe, die Sie an der Swiss International University absolvieren können. Auf dieser Stufe erhalten die Studierenden nicht nur Know-how, sondern auch umfassendes Wissen. Unsere Studierenden sollten in der Lage sein, selbst neue Theorien zu entwickeln, ein großes Team zu leiten und jungen Fachkräften beizubringen, wie sie Dinge besser machen können. Sie werden in das Management als akademische Disziplin eingeführt. Sie lernen Wirtschaft vor dem Hintergrund kultureller Unterschiede, wie sie sich in der weltweiten Geschäftswelt manifestieren. Wir bieten Kurse in verschiedenen Geschäftsfeldern an:
In unseren Doktorandenprogrammen werden Sie:
Entwickeln und üben Sie innovative Forschungsmethoden.
Verdienen Sie sich die höchste Bildungsqualität.
Erlangen Sie die erforderliche Expertise zum Veröffentlichen in Fachzeitschriften mit Peer-Review.
Werden Sie ein erfolgreicher Doktorand und Dozent.
Zulassungsvoraussetzungen: Klicken Sie hier
European Qualifications Framework: this program is equivalent to EQF Level 8
This Ph.D. is for academics who are interested in developing sustainable and productive solutions to improve the quality of people’s lives. You will gain an in-depth understanding of public policy theory, research and practice that will prepare students to meet the global challenges associated with governance or public service. This academic credential will help a student assert their credibility in a new career endeavor within the public, private or nonprofit world. Whether you want to be an academic teacher or serve through an administrative leadership role, this Ph.D. will provide you with the skills to effectuate change.
Students who complete their dissertations should embark on a career within government (if possible), academic institutions or research-based organizations focused on improving the policies that affect people’s daily lives. One of the primary focuses of these Ph.D. programs is delving into the question of what governments should do within a society and how they can govern more effectively and fairly.
This Ph.D. will allow a student to pursue effectively their passion for making the world a more sustainable place by working toward solutions that tackle some of the most challenging social issues around the globe. Therefore, the dissertation is expected to represent a significant contribution to knowledge in a public policy that works to improve the function of a government body in a given area.
For the Ph.D, your thesis is the most important part, you have to write the whole thesis about "Leadership and change management" with one of your supervisors.
Admission Requirements: Click here
Connect with learners and leaders just like you in our online study programs. You will go as far as your mind will take you as an online student at the Swiss International University
with our study programs you will:
Develop and practice innovative research methods.
Earn the highest quality of education.
Achieve the expertise to publish in peer-reviewed journals.
Become a successful researcher and professional.
While studying our programs, you will:
Study and apply innovative research methods.
Combine applied research and professional practice.
Be Trained to make an impact on policy and practice.
Learn strategies to facilitate more effective, adaptable organizations and create positive change.
Become a more innovative leader in your field.