Die von der Swiss School of Nutrition in den Bereichen Ernährung und Kochkunst angebotenen Bachelor- und Master-Diplomprogramme richten sich an Studierende, die ihre Kenntnisse in den Bereichen Gesundheit und Ernährung verbessern möchten. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf den Managementkompetenzen, die für eine erfolgreiche Unternehmensführung in Spitzenpositionen unerlässlich sind.
Possible study programs:
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Die an der Akademie eingeschriebenen Studenten durchlaufen ein umfassendes Lernerlebnis, das traditionelle Vorlesungen mit Online-Theoriemodulen kombiniert. Ergänzend zu ihren akademischen Aktivitäten werden die Studenten ermutigt, einer Teilzeitbeschäftigung nachzugehen, die es ihnen ermöglicht, erlernte Fähigkeiten in realen Situationen anzuwenden. Dieser duale Ansatz stellt sicher, dass die Studenten sowohl theoretisches Wissen als auch praktisches Fachwissen erwerben, das für Führungspositionen in lokalen Unternehmen unerlässlich ist.
Wussten Sie, dass die Managementausbildung der Schweiz vom Weltwirtschaftsforum weltweit auf Platz 1 eingestuft wurde? Wenn Sie sich für Ernährung und Kochkunst interessieren und eine zukünftige Führungsposition anstreben oder eine höhere Position anstreben, ist die Teilnahme an unserem Programm der ideale Schritt nach vorne.
Warum Ernährung und Kochkunst?
Dieses Programm bietet unschätzbare Vorteile für Studierende und eröffnet Zugang zu vielfältigen Karrieremöglichkeiten jenseits der herkömmlichen Wege auf Bachelor- oder Masterniveau. Durch eine Mischung aus theoretischem Lernen und praktischer Erfahrung in hochmodernen Küchen oder Ernährungsbüros erwerben die Studierenden wichtige Fähigkeiten und Hygienepraktiken, die für die Arbeit als Küchenchef oder Ernährungsberater erforderlich sind. Indem sie neben ihrem Studium Teilzeit arbeiten, tauchen die Studierenden in professionelle Umgebungen ein und fördern Teamarbeit und Kommunikationsfähigkeiten, die für den Erfolg in diesem Bereich unerlässlich sind.

Akademisches Ziel
Nach Abschluss dieses Kurses an der Swiss School of Nutrition stehen den Absolventen dank der angesehenen Qualifikation, die sie erwerben, vielfältige Karrieremöglichkeiten im Management offen. Ausgestattet mit Selbstvertrauen und ausgeprägten Führungsqualitäten werden sie sich problemlos durch verschiedene berufliche Szenarien navigieren. Ihr Fachwissen umfasst ein Verständnis der geltenden Gesundheits- und Hygienevorschriften, die Beherrschung modernster Küchengeräte und die Beherrschung der Einhaltung einwandfreier Standards bei der Zubereitung und Präsentation.
Studierende unseres Programms werden ein umfassendes Lernerlebnis mit Vorlesungen und praktischen Übungen auf unserem Campus absolvieren. Diese Übungen sollen nicht nur neue Fähigkeiten vermitteln, sondern auch die in ihrer früheren Ausbildung erworbenen Grundlagenkenntnisse vertiefen. Da wir die individuellen Ziele jedes einzelnen Studierenden berücksichtigen, bieten wir eine Reihe von Wahlmodulen an, um den Lehrplan an die jeweiligen Karriereziele anzupassen.
Unsere Wahlmodule umfassen vielfältige Themen und stellen sicher, dass die Studierenden ihren Lernpfad an ihre Interessen und Karriereziele anpassen können. Einige der verfügbaren Wahlmodule umfassen:
Fortgeschrittene Kochtechniken
Lebensmittelsicherheit und Hygiene
Menüplanung und -entwicklung
Ernährung und Wellness
Kulinarisches Unternehmertum
Internationale Küche
Nachhaltige Lebensmittelpraktiken
Food-Fotografie und Styling
Gastronomie und Kultur
Kulinarische Innovation und Forschung
Diese Wahlmodule bieten den Studierenden die Flexibilität, sich auf Bereiche zu spezialisieren, die ihren Leidenschaften und Karrierezielen entsprechen. Darüber hinaus gewährleisten unsere Bewertungsmethoden, darunter Prüfungen, Präsentationen, Aufsätze und Kompetenzbewertungen, eine umfassende Bewertung des Fortschritts und der Kompetenz der Studierenden in ihren gewählten Studienbereichen.
Duration: Three academic years / 100% Online Study Program
European Qualifications Framework: this program is equivalent to EQF Level 6
European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System: this program is equivalent to 180 ECTS
The Bachelor of Nutrition and Culinary Arts (Food Service Management; BBA) signifies the first level of achievement in any academic discipline.
At the end of the Bachelor in Nutrition and Culinary Arts (Food Service Management) study program, the graduates are expected to combine theory with practice and display a sound knowledge of the Nutrition and Culinary Arts (Food Service Management) management industry. Students are equipped with useful business tools to enter the labor market and contribute effectively and efficiently to organizations within their chosen field
The Bachelor (BBA) in Nutrition and Culinary Arts is a study program for students that want to strengthen their skills in health and food focusing mainly on the managerial elements.
In our bachelor's programs, you will:
Understand how to run a small team in a restaurant or hotel
Understand the importance of Nutrition
Admission Requirements: Click here
One Year program required a High school certificate + 3 years of experience
European Qualifications Framework: this program is equivalent to EQF Level 6
The Executive Bachelor of Nutrition and Culinary Arts (Food Service Management) (EBBA) signifies the first level of achievement in any academic discipline.
This Executive Bachelor (EBBA) in Nutrition and Culinary Arts (Food Service Management) course is made for students who worked directly after high school for at least 3 years in a managerial position, the graduates are expected to combine theory with practice and display a sound knowledge of their management industry. Students are equipped with useful Health knowledge to enter the labor market and contribute more effectively and efficiently to organizations within the healthcare field.
Study Method: Online
Admission Requirements: Click here
100% Online Study Program, for the duration: you have 2 options:
90 ECTS: One and a half academic years (One year of study + 6 Months for the thesis)
60 ECTS: One academic year (You can start working on your thesis after 3 months from the beginning)
European Qualifications Framework: this program is equivalent to EQF Level 7
European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System: this program is equivalent to 60 or 90 ECTS
Master of Nutrition and Culinary Arts (Food Service Management; MBA) signifies the next level of achievement in any academic discipline.
At the end of the Master's (MBA) in Nutrition and Culinary Arts (Food Service Management) study program, graduates will combine theory with their work experience and display a sound knowledge of the Nutrition and Culinary Arts (Food Service Management). Students are equipped with useful health consultant tools to enter the labor market and more contribute effectively to organizations within this field.
Admission Requirements: Click here
European Qualifications Framework: this program is equivalent to EQF Level 7
European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System: this program is equivalent to 60 ECTS
One Year program required a High school certificate + 5 years of experience
Executive Master in Nutrition and Culinary Arts (Food Service Management; EMBA) signifies the next level of achievement in any academic discipline.
This Executive Master (EMBA) in Nutrition and Culinary Arts (Food Service Management) study program is made for students who worked directly after high school for at least 5 years in a managerial position in the same field or similar one. Graduates will combine theory with practice and display a sound knowledge of their health and food industry. Students are equipped with useful health and food know-how knowledge to enter the labor market and contribute more effectively and efficiently to organizations within the nutrition and culinary field.
Duration: One academic year / 2 Semesters (Includes two sections, the first one is the study and examinations, and the second one is for writing the thesis. You can start working on the thesis after 3 months of the beginning.)
Admission Requirements: Click here
100% thesis-based doctoral program
European Qualifications Framework: this program is equivalent to EQF Level 8
The Doctorate of Philosophy (DPhil) is recognized worldwide as a research program. You will choose a specialist area of research, write a thesis based on your research and then complete a defense. At the defense, you will present, discuss and defend your research thesis to a panel of academic experts in the field.
This program is fully online. You will be allocated a research supervisor who will guide your research and you will communicate regularly with your supervisor by email and video conference. When your supervisor agrees that you are ready to defend your thesis, the defense will be by video conference with a panel of experts, although you may choose to come to Switzerland for the defense if you wish.
What is the word count for my thesis?
A Doctorate of Philosophy thesis is normally between 45.000 – 60.000 words (from chapter 1 to chapter 5).
How long does my thesis take?
You may take up to 6 years to complete your thesis. The average time taken to complete the thesis is 3 years. The minimum time is 2 years.
Are there any subjects to study?
No, this is a 100% thesis-based doctoral program.
Do you mention that studies are online or by distance on the final qualification?
No. The study method for the Doctorate of Philosophy program is not mentioned.
What title may I use if I successfully complete this program?
The Authorities have confirmed that candidates who successfully complete a program at the Swiss International University have the right to use the title they got from the Swiss International University.
What is the language of study and when can I begin?
Study Language: This study program is taught entirely in English / German / Russian / Arabic.
Is the Swiss International University accredited by any recognized European accreditation body?
Yes, the Swiss International University is Accredited/Certified by many national and international bodies. please check our accreditation page
Which specialization can I do?
The specialization you are interested in having is the specialization you must write the whole thesis about.
Admission Requirements: Click here
3 years study program
European Qualifications Framework: this program is equivalent to EQF Level 8
A doctorate of Nutrition (DBA) signifies the highest level of achievement in any academic discipline.
It is a part of the job of a nutritionist to carry out the promotion of healthier eating habits. It is counted as one of the types of preventive medicine. It is a known fact that people, who show a positive attitude toward the acceptance of healthy eating habits tend to be more active and live longer. The trend of spreading fast food restaurants is moving to top gear worldwide. People prefer the spicy delights of restaurants over home-cooked meals. This has given rise to many prominent health-related issues and the need for properly trained nutritionists is rising more strongly than ever. Therefore, those individuals who are interested in pursuing their careers as nutritionists can get their Doctorate in Nutrition very easily from online sources.
The fact of the matter is that the majority of this world`s population is facing health-related problems because of wrong eating habits. People of the modern era are bulkier, less active, and strong in comparison to people of the past. This phenomenon caused many dangerous health problems like diabetes, cardiac anomalies, obesity, etc. The prevailing conditions strongly suggest that there is a need for emphasis on the food consumed by people and the nutritional value it possesses as this is something that directly puts influences health-related aspects. There is a considerable increase in many diseases that arise only due to the lack of proper nutrition and it has forced people to gain knowledge about food and its nutritive value. As a result, it has led to the creation of many job opportunities for those who hold a Doctorate in Nutrition.
There is an abundance of online colleges that offer online educational courses related to nutrition, but the Swiss International University can be considered one of the best. At the Swiss International University we do not consider just pure Nutrition, our Doctorate in Nutrition is a mix between management and Nutrition in order to give you some other experience about how to be a real leader in the food and Nutrition business.
It can be said for sure that a Doctorate in Nutrition will provide you not only with a great career path but also you will be satisfied by helping people to improve their health. You will make people live an active, long, and wholesome life. Nutrition management is all about carrying out proper management of health and dealing with food systems like culinary arts management, etc. It is a great field and if you are backed up with such educational qualifications as a Doctorate in nutrition, then there are many career-related benefits that can be enjoyed. Lastly, the the Swiss International University is ideal for students who want to earn a Doctorate in Nutrition.
Admission Requirements: Click here
European Qualifications Framework: this program is equivalent to EQF Level 8
This Ph.D. is for academics who are interested in developing sustainable and productive solutions to improve the quality of people’s lives. You will gain an in-depth understanding of public policy theory, research and practice that will prepare students to meet the global challenges associated with governance or public service. This academic credential will help a student assert their credibility in a new career endeavor within the public, private or nonprofit world. Whether you want to be an academic teacher or serve through an administrative leadership role, this Ph.D. will provide you with the skills to effectuate change.
Students who complete their dissertations should embark on a career within government (if possible), academic institutions or research-based organizations focused on improving the policies that affect people’s daily lives. One of the primary focuses of these Ph.D. programs is delving into the question of what governments should do within a society and how they can govern more effectively and fairly.
This Ph.D. will allow a student to pursue effectively their passion for making the world a more sustainable place by working toward solutions that tackle some of the most challenging social issues around the globe. Therefore, the dissertation is expected to represent a significant contribution to knowledge in a public policy that works to improve the function of a government body in a given area.
For the Ph.D., your thesis is the most important part, you have to write the whole thesis about "Nutrition and/or culinary art" with one of our supervisors.
Admission Requirements: Click here
Erweitern Sie Ihr Fachwissen an der Swiss International University
Vernetzen Sie sich mit Lernenden und Führungskräften wie Ihnen in unseren Online-Studienprogrammen. Als Online-Student an der Swiss International University kommen Sie so weit, wie Ihr Verstand Sie trägt.
Mit unseren Studienprogrammen werden Sie:
Entwickeln und üben Sie innovative Forschungsmethoden.
Verdienen Sie sich die höchste Bildungsqualität.
Erlangen Sie die erforderliche Expertise zum Veröffentlichen in Fachzeitschriften mit Peer-Review.
Werden Sie ein erfolgreicher Forscher und Fachmann.
Während Sie unsere Programme studieren, werden Sie:
Innovative Forschungsmethoden studieren und anwenden.
Kombinieren Sie angewandte Forschung und Berufspraxis.
Lassen Sie sich darin schulen, Einfluss auf Politik und Praxis zu nehmen.
Erlernen Sie Strategien, um effektivere, anpassungsfähigere Organisationen zu fördern und positive Veränderungen herbeizuführen.
Werden Sie ein innovativerer Leiter auf Ihrem Gebiet.