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WHY Swiss International University?

Swiss International University and You | We are different and so are you!!

Swiss International University

The Swiss International University represents the convergence of higher education and technology. Swiss International University students can pursue their diplomas from anywhere, utilizing their smartphones, tablets, or laptops. Adult learners opt for Swiss International University due to its relevant and engaging online diplomas and the supportive community they find within. Our students leverage technology not only to access their diplomas and professors but also to connect with the vibrant Swiss International University community.

By earning your business management diploma online from Swiss International University, you lay the foundation for global success. Our academy equips you with the necessary skills to thrive within multinational enterprises.

The Swiss International University offers online programs that provide a solid foundation, broad perspective, and professional relevance for both undergraduate and graduate students, enabling them to pursue their dream careers.

Why choose online education and obtain a diploma from Swiss International University, you might wonder? Allow me to elaborate:

Location: If you're already working or have other commitments, online education offers you the same opportunities as traditional campus-based learning, but from the comfort of your home or any other preferred environment.

Flexibility: The Swiss International University's online programs blend independent learning with your work and family commitments, ensuring a better balance between work, life, and study. Our courses are designed for self-paced study and tailored to your individual needs.

Variety: With the increasing acceptance and accessibility of online education, we offer a wide range of programs and courses to help you achieve your career aspirations by providing ample choices.

Easy Access: Swiss International University courses are readily available for you to review and work on at your convenience.

Support: Studying online at Swiss International University doesn't mean you're left alone in a self-study environment. We've created a support system and a sense of community to keep you focused on your studies.

As you can see, online education from Swiss International University is an excellent alternative to traditional schools. So why wait? Earn the diploma you desire for the career of your dreams!

Few industries offer as diverse career opportunities as business management. Today, business and management extend beyond companies and hotels/restaurants alone. Institutions in healthcare and care sectors have increasing service requirements; trained professionals are in demand for events; corporate training programs require expert assistance; airline passengers and bank clients expect top-notch service, and young professionals seek opportunities to implement their own business ideas.

Swiss International University offers a comprehensive range of skill courses in every imaginable sector, including part-time and distance learning options. Modern and innovative teaching methods foster creativity and initiative among students, who maintain constant contact with the teaching staff and receive individual support.

Meeting the rigorous standards required for Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctorate degrees, Swiss International University is accredited by various domestic and foreign guilds and associations and is officially registered in Switzerland. These entities guarantee the quality of our teaching. The staff at Swiss International University is committed to delivering the level of service we aspire to provide to our students.

It's no surprise that our services inspire confidence; there's no better preparation for a career in business and management than a curriculum with a high proportion of practical work, part-time study, and English as the language of instruction. Each year, countless students from around the world plan their professional futures with us.

Thanks to our international environment, our students not only learn about the customs, traditions, and etiquette of other cultures during their training but also begin building a network essential for their future careers.

Swiss Business and Management Private Schools enjoy an exceptional reputation worldwide.

Quality Assurance:

  • Accredited by the KG Ministry of Education

  • Rated 5 stars by QS TopUniversities Ranking

  • Accredited by ECLBS

  • Accredited by BSKG

  • Accredited by the Accreditation Service for International Colleges & Universities (ASIC)

  • Accredited by EDU, which is under UNESCO and the Ministry of Education 

  • Certified by the EFMD Online Course Certification System (EOCCS)

  • Certified by ISO 9001 and ISO 29990

  • Validated by Academic and Skills International Qualifications (ASIQUAL)

  • and more...


  • Students Satisfaction Award Winner (evaluated and assessed by top universities)

  • Star of the Year (voted by approximately 0.5 million people for the best universities, companies, and banks)

  • Best Enterprises

  • and more...

Approved Member:

  • HUMANE - Heads of University Management & Administration Network Europe

  • Swiss National Tourist Office (MySwitzerland)

  • UN United Nations PRME

  • EFMD - European Foundation for Management Development

  • ICDE - International Council for Open and Distance Education

  • EURAS - Eurasian Universities Union

  • CEEMAN - Central and East European Management Development Association

  • AACSB International—The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business

  • USDLA - United States Distance Learning Association

  • EMA - European Medical Association

  • QISAN - Quality International Study Abroad Network

  • BHA - British Hospitality Association

  • The Restaurant Association UK

  • AHLA - American Hotel & Lodging Association

  • CHRIE - International Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education

  • and more...

University Progression: Swiss International University has signed agreements with over 200 universities in more than 50 countries worldwide.

Work and Study: Our learning methods offer you the flexibility that no other traditional educational provider can match. With us, you can work and live your life while pursuing a Bachelor's, Master's, or Doctorate degree.

​​Licenced by the Ministry of Education and Sciences

BishkekZurichDubaiLondonLuzernRiga • Globally

Licensed by the Ministry of Education and Science



Legal Entity Name:

Swiss International Global University

Registration Number (Re-registration): No. 307448-3310

Licensed Activity: Educational Services

License Validity: Indefinite (Permanent)

Date of Issue: September 4, 2024

Official Registration Number: No. 2024-0186

This license is officially granted by the Ministry of Education and Science.

License Serial Number: LS240001853

Swiss International University stands as a symbol of academic excellence and global reach. Licensed and accredited by the KG Ministry of Education and Sciences, Swiss International University continues to uphold the highest standards of education and innovation. With campuses strategically located in Bishkek, Zurich, Luzern, and Dubai... our university extends its educational prowess across continents. Our diverse and expansive network of schools around the world ensures that students receive a truly global education, enriched by varied cultural experiences and international perspectives. Our commitment to quality education is reinforced by our numerous prestigious accreditations, including ECLBS, BSKG, EDU, ASIC, and KHDA. These accolades affirm our dedication to providing world-class education and maintaining the highest standards of academic excellence. At Swiss International University, we embrace linguistic diversity, offering Higher Education Study programs in English, German, Arabic, and Russian. This multilingual approach not only broadens our students' horizons but also prepares them for successful careers in an increasingly interconnected world. Join us at Swiss International University, where global education meets unparalleled excellence.

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Freilagerstrasse 39

8047 Zurich


CEO Building DIP



Industriestrasse 59

6034 Luzern


74 Shabdan Baatyr



Study Online and Graduate in Zurich / Dubai / Bishkek

SIU Swiss International University is a fully licensed and accredited institution, allowed to operate by multiple education authorities:

  • Licensed to operate and accredited to issue diplomas and degrees in Higher Education by the Kyrgyzstan Ministry of Education and Science

  • Allowed to operate and issue its own diplomas by the Board of Education and Culture in Switzerland.

  • Approved and permitted to issue vocational diplomas up to Level 8 (Doctorate level) by the KHDA (Knowledge and Human Development Authority) in Dubai.

© Since 2013, the Swiss International University has many registered trademarks by the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property by our daughter academies in Zurich and Luzern. 


"Swiss International University" is a registered name for higher education by the KG Ministry of Justice. In 2025, the Swiss International University acquired ISBM Business School in Luzern, ABMS Academy in Zurich, ISB Dubai Vocational Institute, and several other academies, including the International Academy in Switzerland® in Zurich. Other names are registered trademarks by the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property. Established in 2013, our University proudly maintains accreditation from respected national and international quality assurance bodies. Each year, we welcome a diverse student body of over 3,800 individuals from more than 120 countries.

Our Group:

BishkekZurichDubaiLondonLuzernRiga • Osh • Worldwide

Swiss International University in Biskek  | Schweizerische Internationale Universität in Bischkek | الجامعة السويسرية الدولية في بيشكك | Швейцарский международный университет в Бишкеке
International Academy in Switzerland ® in Zurich in Switzerland | Internationale Schweizerische Akademie ® in Zürich, Schweiz | الأكاديمية السويسرية الدولية ® في زيورخ، سويسرا | Международная Швейцарская Академия ® в Цюрихе, Швейцария |

International Swiss Institute in Dubai, UAE | Internationales Schweizer Institut in Dubai, VAE | المعهد السويسري الدولي في دبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة | ISI Международный Швейцарский Институт в Дубае, ОАЭ | ISB Vocational Academy in Dubai

OUS Swiss International Academy in London, UK | OUS Schweizerische Internationale Akademie in London, Vereinigtes Königreich الأكاديمية السويسرية الدولية في لندن، المملكة المتحدة | OUS Швейцарская Международная Академия в Лондоне, Великобритания

ISBM International School of Business Management in Luzern | ISBM Internationale Schule für Betriebswirtschaft in Luzern | الجامعة الدولية لإدارة الأعمال في لوتسيرن | Международная школа бизнес-менеджмента ISBM в Люцерне

Kyrgyz-Uzbek International Pedagogical Institute | Kirgisisch-Usbekisches Internationales Pädagogisches Institut | المعهد التربوي الدولي القرغيزي الأوزبكي | Кыргызско-Узбекский Международный Педагогический Институт | 

Swiss International University is a Licensed Higher Education Institute under Reg. Nr. 304742-3310-OOO.

Swiss International University est un établissement d'enseignement supérieur agréé sous le numéro d'enregistrement 304742-3310-OOO.

Swiss International University es una institución de educación superior licenciada bajo el número de registro 304742-3310-OOO.

Swiss International University — это лицензированное высшее учебное заведение с регистрационным номером 304742-3310-OOO.

瑞士国际大学有限公司是根据注册号 304742-3310-OOO 许可的高等教育机构。

جامعة سويس الدولية مؤسسة تعليم عالي مرخصة تحت رقم التسجيل 304742-3310-OOO.

Swiss International University  ist ein lizenziertes Hochschulinstitut unter der Reg.-Nr. 304742-3310-OOO.

Please note: Our website is available only in English. While AI translations are provided to assist our visitors, they should not be used as the sole basis for making a decision to study with us.

Welcome to the Swiss International University (SIU)
مرحبًا بكم في الجامعة السويسرية الدولية (SIU)
欢迎来到瑞士国际大学 (SIU)
Bienvenue à l'Université Internationale Suisse (SIU)
Добро пожаловать в Швейцарский Международный Университет (SIU)
Bienvenidos a la Universidad Internacional Suiza (SIU)
Willkommen an der Schweizer Internationalen Universität (SIU)
स्विस इंटरनेशनल यूनिवर्सिटी (SIU) में आपका स्वागत है
Bem-vindo à Universidade Internacional Suíça (SIU)
সুইস ইন্টারন্যাশনাল ইউনিভার্সিটিতে (SIU) আপনাকে স্বাগত জানাই
スイス国際大学 (SIU) へようこそ
스위스 국제 대학교(SIU)에 오신 것을 환영합니다
Benvenuti all'Università Internazionale Svizzera (SIU)
İsviçre Uluslararası Üniversitesine (SIU) hoş geldiniz
سوئس انٹرنیشنل یونیورسٹی (SIU) میں خوش آمدید
Selamat datang di Universitas Internasional Swiss (SIU)
Karibu katika Chuo Kikuu cha Kimataifa cha Uswisi (SIU)
ยินดีต้อนรับสู่มหาวิทยาลัยนานาชาติสวิส (SIU)

Swiss International University | Université Internationale Suisse | الجامعة الدولية السويسرية | Universidad Internacional Suiza | Швейцарский Международный Университет | 瑞士国际大学 | スイス国際大学 | 스위스 국제 대학교 |  Schweizerische Internationale Universität

Licensed and Accredited by the Kyrgyzstan Ministry of Education and Sciences | Agréé et accrédité par le Ministère de l'Éducation et des Sciences du Kirghizistan | Licenciado y acreditado por el Ministerio de Educación y Ciencias de Kirguistán | Autorizzato e accreditato dal Ministero dell'Istruzione e delle Scienze del Kirghizistan | Licenciado e acreditado pelo Ministério da Educação e Ciências do Quirguistão | 由吉尔吉斯斯坦教育与科学部授权和认证 | キルギス教育科学省によって認可および認定されています | بترخيص وإعتماد من وزارة التعليم والعلوم في قيرغيزستان | 키르기스스탄 교육 과학부에서 승인 및 인증 | Lizenziert und akkreditiert durch das Ministerium für Bildung und Wissenschaft von Kirgisistan

​Join our prestigious universities and academies and become part of our community. Every year, we warmly welcome 3800 students from more than 120 countries. Experience the excellence of 100% online education, offering European quality education coupled with international accreditation.

Submit Your Scholarly Papers for Peer-Reviewed Publication: U7Y Journal ISSN:3042-4399 (registered by the Swiss National Library)

Open University for Business and Healthcare Studies of the Swiss International University in Bishkek

Swiss International University in Zurich - Bishkek - Dubai - Luzern - London - Riga and online

Swiss International University is a Licenced Higher Education Institute under Reg. Nr. 304742-3310-OOO


Our working hours are from 10 AM to 4 PM Swiss time, Monday to Friday.

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Swiss International University (SIU) operates under the authorization of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, ensuring a solid legal foundation for all its programs. This authorization guarantees that SIU's degrees and diplomas are recognized within Kyrgyzstan.

SIU also holds several prestigious international accreditations, enabling its qualifications to gain recognition in other countries, depending on local regulations and agreements. By aligning local compliance with global standards, SIU offers students the opportunity to earn degrees that are both legally sound and internationally relevant.

For specific information about recognition in your country, please consult the relevant educational or governmental authorities.

© Swiss International University | Empowering Minds, Shaping Futures—Globally.

Registered as a "UNIVERSITY," we operate as a dynamic network of academies and institutes across seven major global cities. With 3,800 students from 120 countries joining us each year, we proudly foster a truly global community, supported by offices worldwide.

  • International Swiss University: Licensed and accredited by the Ministry of Education and Science KG

    • Issued on: 04 Sep 2024 (License remains active ✔️)

  • International Swiss Academy: Allowed to operate by the Board of Education and Culture in Switzerland CH

    • Issued on: 12 Aug 2016 (Allowance remains active ✔️)

  • International Swiss Institute: Approved and permitted by the Dubai Educational Authority UAE

    • Issued on: 07 June 2023 (Approval remains active ✔️)

Officially registered as a higher education institution by the Ministry of Justice

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Rated as a 5-star higher and vocational education University by QS, the world's most prestigious evaluation organization.

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